Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden

Chi Lin Nunnery (CN: 志蓮淨苑) is a retreat for Buddhist nuns founded in 1934. It is a popular attraction in Hong Kong for its peaceful setting, architecture that is modeled on ancient Tang Dynasty style, landscaping, and Buddhist relics. Also maintained by Chi Lin Nunnery is Nan Lian Garden which is located across from the nunnery.

Features of Chi Lin Nunnery

  • Lotus Gardens – the first courtyard as you enter
  • Hall of Celestial Kings –  the statue of the Maitreya Buddha surrounded by the Celestial Kings
  • Ksitigarbha Hall – the statue of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and the Bell Tower
  • The Hall of the Bhaisajyaguru – the statue of the medicine Buddha
  • Jai Lan Hall – the statue of the Bodhisattva Jai Lin & Drum Tower
  • The Hall of Avalokitesvara – the statue of Kwun Yam, the goddess of mercy
  • Main Hall – the five gilded Buddhas including Buddha Sakyamuni
  • The third courtyard is not open to public

Nan Lian Garden

Nan Lian Garden  (CN: 南蓮園池) is a public park maintained by the Chi Lin Nunnery that covers 3.5 hectares of landscaped garden laid out according to their specific rules and beliefs and that of Tang Dynasty style gardens. It includes ponds, water features, rocks and petrified trees, rare trees, and several pavilions. It is not to be missed.

At Nan Lian Garden you will also find Chi Lin Vegetarian Restaurant (龍門樓) which is open Mon-Sun 12:00pm-9:00pm and reserve a table on arriving as it is always busy.

Chi Lin Nunnery Open hours: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm – Lotus Garden Opening Hours
7:00 am – 7:00 pm – Nan Lian Garden open hours: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm

Admission to Chi Lin Nunnery & Nan Lian Garden is free.

Wikipedia Says

Design details

The Chi Lin Nunnery uses the traditional Tang Dynasty architecture with a design based on a Sukhavati drawing in the Mogao Caves. It is constructed entirely with cypress wood, without the use of any nails, and is currently the world’s largest hand-made wooden building. This construction is based on traditional Chinese architectural techniques that uses special interlocking systems cut into the wood to hold them in place. The complex with 16 halls, a library, a school, a pagoda, a bell tower and a drum tower, covers an area of more than 33,000 square metres (360,000 sq ft). The Chi Lin Nunnery buildings are the only buildings to be built in this style in modern-day Hong Kong.

Nan Lian Garden

The Nan Lian Garden, located in the opposite of the Chi Lin Nunnery, is a Chinese Classical Garden also built in the style of the Tang dynasty. The scenic garden covers an area of 35,000 square metres (380,000 sq ft) is maintained by the Chi Lin Nunnery.

Source: Wikipedia


Chi Lin Nunnery, 5 Chi Lin Dr, Sheung Yuen Leng, Hong Kong

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