Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery and Heritage Trail Visitors Centre

The Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery and Heritage Trail Visitors Centre was opened in 2007. It is housed in the Old Ping Shan Police Station which was originally built in 1900.

It features three galleries:

  • The Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery illustrates the history, customs and cultural life of the Tang Clan with various relics from the villagers on display.
  • The Gallery of Ping Shan Heritage Trail introduces monuments and buildings along the Ping Shan Heritage Trail and the Old Ping Shan Police Station.
  • The Community Heritage Gallery presents special exhibitions organised by schools or community organisations on the history and culture of Hong Kong, especially in the New Territories

The Ping Shan Heritage Trail (Trail) takes visitors to various historic buildings linked by a convenient walking route.

Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery and Heritage Trail Visitors Centre is open from March through September
Tuesday to Sunday: 10am – 6pm and October through February Tuesday to Sunday: 10am – 5pm. Closed on Mondays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year.

There is a booklet which features detailed information on the Ping Shan Heritage Trail here [PDF]


Ping Shan Heritage Trail, Ping Shan, Hong Kong

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