Category: Museum

Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum

Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum (CN: 香港懲教博物館) showcases the history of Hong Kong’s penal system dating back to the Qing Dynasty. Here you can view ten collections containing over 600 artifacts along with imitation guard...

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence (CN: 香港海防博物館) is located in the former the Lei Yue Mun Fort which was built by the British in the 1880s. It is currently being revamped and...

City Gallery

The City Gallery (CN: 展城館) features interesting exhibits relating to urban planning in Hong Kong. It has a permanent exhibition as well as a thematic exhibition. The thematic exhibition changes often and you can...

Police Museum

The Police Museum (CN: 警隊博物館) offers visitors an insight into the history of crimefighting in Hong Kong since establishment in 1844. The museum is located in the former Wan Chai Gap Police Station and...

Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

The Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum (CN: 孫中山紀念館) tells a story of the man who led China from the era of dynasties and monarchic rule to becoming a republic, and almost a democracy. The museum has two...

Law Uk Folk Museum

Law Uk Folk Museum (CN: 羅屋) is an 18th century Hakka village house that has been restored and converted into a museum showcasing the life of the Hakka people. The museum is open from Monday to...

Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum (CN: 李鄭屋古墓) is an ancient burial tomb that was discovered in 1955. According to inscriptions at the site, it dates back to the Eastern Han dynasty (25–220). There...

Sheung Yiu Folk Museum

Sheung Yiu Folk Museum (CN: 上窰民俗文物館) is an original Hakka village dating back 150 years. Located inside what is now Sai Kung Country Park, today it is a declared monument and houses a museum containing...

Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences

The Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences (CN: 香港醫學博物館) is housed in an Edwardian-style building that dates back to 1905, an attraction in itself, and offers an insight into the development of health care...