City Gallery

The City Gallery (CN: 展城館) features interesting exhibits relating to urban planning in Hong Kong. It has a permanent exhibition as well as a thematic exhibition. The thematic exhibition changes often and you can see what’s on here. The permanent exhibition covers four floors including themed areas

  • City Hall Annex History and Unique Hong Kong
  • Living Environment, Protecting Our Heritage and Hong Kong Next Century
  • Strategic Picture, Strategic Infrastructure, Transport and Communications and Sustainable Development
  • Main Show which chronicles development featuring interactive displays on process and development.

The gallery is open from Monday to Thursday: 10:00 – 18:00 and Friday to Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00 – 19:00. Admission is free.


Hotel pick near the City Gallery

The Pottinger Hong Kong – The five-star Pottinger offers luxury rooms in a superb location within easy walking distance to many of the main attractions in Central District.


3 Edinburgh Pl, Central, Hong Kong

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